Saturday, March 21, 2009

Feelin' good...

Do you ever have those days where you wake up and everything just feels right? Yeah, I get those too. Today wasn't one of them, but I get them. Today was better than that, I think.

I didn't wake up with the feeling that everything had fallen into place and that the beautiful sunny weather outside would be a perfect metaphor for the impending twelve hours. Rather, I woke up and groggily caught sight of the beautiful blue sky and sunshine and suddenly felt massively disoriented. It's March, the weather is beautiful, I'm not in Spokane, I'm not in Battle Ground... What happened to the rain?

But like the pitiful Vancouver snow that used to periodically tantalize me when I was a child, it didn't stick. I beat around this morning, did some laundry, listened to some music, avoided homework and made plans to meet up with a friend and do some shopping. Had a successful afternoon wandering around Heredia, exploring shops and came home to a quiet house. I put my stuff up, grabbed a snack and then got sucked into the interweb for a while (I do try and limit myself, I am in Costa Rica after all...). Sometimes, the tubes suck out your soul but today it actually felt good. I stumbled upon some blogs written and frequented by and for educators. Teachers. Talking. About what they do. About what I want to do. While I sit here in Costa Rica, in the process of learning and experiencing so many things that I can't wait to share with my first class.

Not to blow things out of proportion or anything, but it was kind of inspiring. It got me excited about what I get to do and reminded me of more reasons why I'm in Costa Rica right now. Today, (and this is something I'm going to hold on to desperately because I know it will slip away all too soon) I'm excited to student-teach in a year, instead of just completely overwhelmed.

Right now... it feels like, just maybe, I'll be able to pull this whole gig together. Life, I mean.

That's an amazing feeling.

1 comment:

  1. This post makes me smile for you. :) I'm glad you had such an inspiring day!
